Are you a good person?
Manna for the Moment
New Bible Verses
This page was last updated: August 21, 2008
(n)Fusion Youth Ministries
Fusion - A merging of diverse elemnts into a unified whole. The release of ENORMOUS quantities of energy when certain light elements combine.
Upcoming Events

(n)Fusion Youth Nights
Every Friday from 6-11 p.m. at New Hope Bible Church. Come for games, fellowship, music, worship, message, and food. First Friday of each month is movie night with free pizza! Click here for details.

(n)Fusion Youth Meetings
Every Sunday from 6-8 p.m. at New Hope Bible Church. Come for fellowship and studying God's word. Click here for details.
Website-Related News

Need Pics for the Site        6/19/2007
Alot has been done to the website, but it still needs pictures! If you are good with taking pictures, or have pictures already from youth events at (n)Fusion, and would like to contribute to the site, then please contact me! This is a chance for you to contribute to the site. Also, if for some reason you do not want your picture on the site, then please let me know so I can avoid putting it up here. I also need several small pictures that would work well in the scrolling boxes at the top of the page. Ideal size would be 70x70 (pixels).

Low Bandwidth Site           6/19/2007
I am considering making a parallel website that is optimized better for computers on low bandwidth. What will happen is that there will be an intro page that will allow you to select low bandwidth or high bandwidth depending on whether you want all the cool effects or just a page that loads fast. The low bandwidth site will still have all the information, it just won't have all the cool flash animations, as many quotes at the tops of the pages, and as many photos & pictures on the each page (when I put them on the site). There will still be a simple flash navigator on the left hand of each page, but it won't have the sound effects, the fusion animation, or the little pictures next to the text. These changes should make the website load alot faster for people on dial-up. You should know, however, that because the website layout is uniform (the same on each page), it should load pretty fast after the first time it has been opened.

Site Optimization       6/12/2007
The site has been better optimized for viewing and search engines. Also, Internet Explorer 7 users should no longer have to "Click to Activiate this Control" when using the flash navigator. Please contact me if you notice any problems with the site or have any suggestions.

Major Website Update!        6/4/2007
The website has undergone many changes and improvements just in time for the 4th of July. Two things I want to point out are the auto-updating quotes at the top of each page and the auto-updating Bible verses on the left of each page. These will update automatically everytime a page is refreshed. The quotes are currently drawing from nearly 300 while the Bible verses are drawing from nearly 2000! This means that you'll almost always have something new and inspirational when visiting this site and any page on it. As for the rest of the material, I'll let you explore and discover on your own using the new flash navigator on the left hand side. Have fun and God bless!

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