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Home > Events > Friday Nights
This page was last updated: November 19, 2008
About (n)Fusion


  • Who? Grades 7-12+, College Age
  • What? Fellowship, Games, Worship, Message, Drama, Food, and More!
  • When? Every Friday from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.
  • Where? New Hope Bible Church, Front Royal, VA. Click here for directions.


Who? (n)Fusion is for pretty much anyone who wants to come, but is specifically targeted for youth (grades 7-12) and young adults (college age). Both Christians and non-Christians are welcome to come.

  • Fellowship: As Christians we need to have fellowship with the body of Christ. As youth and young adults, we need a place where we can connect with others our age. Come for a friendly atmosphere.
  • Games: One way we fellowship is by playing a bunch of games and having fun together. Some of the games we play or have played in the past at (n)Fusion are: basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, frisby, pool, air hockey, ping pong, chess (and 4-way chess), and a number of other card games, board games, or video games.
  • Worship: In coming together to fellowship together we also need to have fellowship with our God and Creator Jesus Christ. When our communion with God suffers, our fellowship with each other suffers as well. We have a service where we worship God and sing praises to him and songs about him as a reminder of who he is and to encourage us to seek him more diligently.
  • Message: We will usually have a message after the worship service which is founded on the Scriptures and seeks to expound the word of God so that we may understand it more fully and have it applied to our lives.
  • Drama: We have a creative drama team which illustrates spiritual truths through role-play and music.
  • Food: Each Friday night we have snacks and every first Friday of the month we have pizza! Free of charge to those who attend!
  • Movies: The first Friday of each month we have a movie or a video worth seeing.
  • Door Prizes: Come for door prizes given away at the end of the service. Prizes range from candy to cash!

When? Doors open at 6 p.m. and close at 11 p.m. Feel free to stay for the entire time or atleast part of the time! The service starts at 8:30 p.m. and usually lasts for about ninety minutes (give or take).

Where? We meet at New Hope Bible Church in Front Royal, VA. Click here for directions.
(n)Fusion Youth Ministries
Fusion - A merging of diverse elemnts into a unified whole. The release of ENORMOUS quantities of energy when certain light elements combine.