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Home > Connect > Y-Connect
This page was last updated: November 19, 2008

Y-Connect (or Youth-Connection) is a place where you can send in your own resources and personal webpages which are relevant to this site in order for me to post them or link to them. If you are part of the youth group at New Hope Bible Church and would like to have something you have done posted on this site, this is the place it will be posted. This could include links to your own website, xanga sites, myspace pages; or things that you have written like papers for school, articles, poetry, drama skits, your own song lyrics, artwork, or whatever you can think of that you would like posted here. Please contact me at abranch[at]abideinthevine[dot]org.

Send in your own:

  • Personal Websites
  • Xanga Sites
  • MySpace Pages
  • Blogspot Pages
  • Writings / Articles
  • Poetry
  • Drama Skits
  • Song Lyrics
  • Artwork
(n)Fusion Youth Ministries

How would you like an (n)Fusion blog site where youth members can post their own content?
Great idea! I'm in!
Good idea, I might join in
Probably not
Definitely not

Fusion - A merging of diverse elemnts into a unified whole. The release of ENORMOUS quantities of energy when certain light elements combine.