This page was last updated: November 19, 2008
Home > Events > Special Events > Fundraiser Scrip Gift Cards
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What is Scrip?

SCRIP…what's that?… and how could it possibly help us? Scrip actually means anything used in the place of money. In this case we are talking about gift certificates from local and national vendors. How does this translate into a fundraising program for our youth?

Here are a few things that it doesn't mean! …No door to door selling! No boxes of merchandise to ask our friends, family and neighbor to purchase. No embarrassment when it arrives and we must deliver it back to the families who where generous enough to purchase something they didn't want or need in the first place!!!

This is a program that allows each parent to weekly make a choice to direct their normal purchases for essentials…milk, eggs, gas, clothing to those stores that will partner with our school. It is that simple. No selling, no extra expense, just focused spending. Spending that brings profit to our youth ministry.

Pick up an order form today or print one off at home [coming soon].
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