This page was last updated: February 19, 2010
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Here are some links to useful programs and messages.

~Bible Software:

e-Sword (Free) - Several Bible versions, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Devotions, etc.
e-Sword Essentials - Presented by Machaira Ministries; valuable resources for e-Sword.

~Sermons, Lectures, & Readings (Audio & Video):

[Community Relevant]

New Hope Bible Church's Sermon Archive - Messages from NHBC.
Fellowship Bible Church's Sermon Archive - Lots of edifying sermons.

[Other Ministries :: Please note that neither I nor NHBC necessarily endorse everything these ministries teach]

KJV Audio Bible - Downloadable KJV in MP3, presented by Firefighters for Christ.
Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron - Audio files on evangelism. Videos found here.
Kent Hovind's Seminars - Videos on creation and evolution. Audio version here.
John MacArthur's Sermons - Archive of sermons from Grace To You.
Phil Johnson & Don Green - Sermon archive of the Executive Director & an elder of GTY.

~Seminary Courses:

Here is how to obtain your own media library of seminary courses to help you dig into the theology of God's Word. These are legitimate course from reputable seminaries and offered for audit for FREE!

First, you need to download and install iTunes.

Then, you simply do a search for the following seminaries and begin downloading whatever courses which look interesting to you. If you have enough hard drive space you can build a "seminary library" on your computer to work your way through at your own pace. The seminaries represent a variety of theological & doctrinal persuasions but all should be within protestant denominations.

Do searches in the iTunes store for the following seminaries:

Reformed Theological Seminary -- Courses include teachings on: Biblical Theology, Reformed Theology, Systematic Theology, Church History, Puritans, John Calvin, C.S. Lewis, et al.

Covenant Theological Seminary -- Courses include teachings on: Biblical Theology, Reformed Theology, Calvin's Institutes, Francis Schaeffer, et al.

Concordia  Seminary -- Courses include teachings on: Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Lutheran Confessions, Hermeneutics, et al.

Dallas Theological Seminary  -- Courses include teachings on: Theoloogy, Study Methods, Counseling, Leadership, Greek, et al.

Fuller Theological Seminary -- Courses include teachings on: Hermeneutics, Pentateuch, Prophets

Southwestern Baptist Seminary -- Material includes teaching on: Expository Preaching, Biblical Counseling, et al.

Southeastern Baptist Seminary -- Material includes: Chapel & Conference Messages

The Master's Seminary -- Material includes: Faculty Lecture series, et al.

Westminster Theological Seminary -- Material Includes: Various Messages, et al.

Westminster Seminary California -- Material Includes: Devotions, et al.

If you are looking for even more courses, you may want to check out the Distance Learning of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary as they offer loads of courses which may be purchased for auditing for a fee (usually <$40 per course) and downloaded via iTunes.
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