This page was last updated: February 18, 2010
Home > About > Staff
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Here you will find information on the staff involved in (n)Fusion Youth Ministries. If you would like to find information about the rest of the staff at New Hope Bible Church, you may view it on New Hope's website.

Lee Montgomery
Pastor of Student Ministries

Pastor Lee graduated from Liberty University in 2005 with a B.S. in Religion with a specialization in Youth Ministries.  He has been involved in Youth Ministry for over 10 years and has served as a full time youth pastor since 2004. God opened the door for him to serve as pastor of student ministries at NHBC in September of 2007. He is happily married to one wife, Jennifer was a teacher in the public school system of Loudoun County as a Fifth grade school teacher and now she works for the federal government.

Michael O'Neil
Pastor of College and Career Group

Ages 18-30
Meet Sunday Mornings @ 11am

Adam Bowles - Webservant
Manna for the Moment
New Bible Verses
Pastor Lee Montgomery