This page was last updated: November 19, 2008
Home > Events > Special Events > Creation Festival 2008
Are you a good person?
Event: Creation Festival 2008
Who: Middle School, High School, and College Age, Families Welcome!
What: Camping Outdoors (price includes camping costs)
Date: June 25-28, 2008 (Wednesday through Sunday)
Cost: Group pricing $89 through Friday, March 7th. (If 20 people sign up, if not price will be $91)
Youth ages 6-11 ... $48
Ages 0-5 ... Free
Contact: Email Pastor Lee for more information.

Must prepay for your tickets. Sorry no refunds.
Sign up today at the youth bulletin board or email Pastor Lee.
**After 3-7-08 individals can join the group but will have to pay for individual priced tickets.
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