This page was last updated: March 19, 2019
(n)Fusion Friday Nights - Click here for more info
Upcoming Special Events
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Upcoming Weekly Events

(n)Fusion Friday Nights
Every Friday from 7-11 p.m. at New Hope Bible Church. Come for games, fellowship, music, worship, message, and food. First Friday of each month is movie night with free pizza! Click here for details.

the Grind Sunday Evenings
High School Bible Study every Sunday from 5 - 6 p.m. at New Hope Bible Church. Click here for details.

College and Career Sunday Mornings
College and Career Group meets every Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. at New Hope Bible Church and is for ages 18-30. Click here for details.
Are you a good person?

Formerly the official website of (n)Fusion Youth Ministries.
This website is no longer updated.
New Hope Bible Church
Fundraiser Scrip Gift Cards - Click here for more info
Manna for the Moment
New Bible Verses
the Grind - click here for more info
WorthWaiting4 Parent Seminar - click here for more info
Girl's Retreat - click here for more info